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BIOFRAM is a natural biological compound that is extracted from various plant species, including aromatic plants. Its main constituents are polyenzymes, balsamic ingredients, non-modifier microorganisms, and aromatic oils. The compound has a double action mode of action.

First, it inhibits anaerobic bacteria and fecal coliforms, which can prevent the formation of malodors and pathogens, particularly salmonella. This is a crucial feature in animal farming, where the growth of harmful bacteria and pathogens can cause diseases that can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated meat or eggs.

Category: Product ID: 19130



BIOFRAM is a natural biological compound that is extracted from various plant species, including aromatic plants. Its main constituents are polyenzymes, balsamic ingredients, non-modifier microorganisms, and aromatic oils. The compound has a double action mode of action.

First, it inhibits anaerobic bacteria and fecal coliforms, which can prevent the formation of malodors and pathogens, particularly salmonella. This is a crucial feature in animal farming, where the growth of harmful bacteria and pathogens can cause diseases that can be transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated meat or eggs.

Secondly, the aromatic oils in BIOFARM help to neutralize the odors, which can make the environment more pleasant for both the animals and the workers.

Studies have shown that after two years of BIOFARM application in poultry farms, the treated beddings with BIOFARM were changed only once a year. This is because the polyenzymes discharged in the beddings were free of malodors and pathogens. This indicates that the use of BIOFARM can significantly reduce the frequency of bedding changes, which can help to save time and resources for farmers. Additionally, it can also reduce the environmental impact of animal farming by decreasing the amount of waste generated from bedding changes.


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