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Waste Water Treatment


Biotechnology offers a more natural and sustainable approach to wastewater treatment by utilizing the power of the Bio-ecosystem. The process involves regenerating beneficial bacteria, enzymes, microorganisms, yeast, and fungi to become dominant over the harmful ones. During treatment, natural eco-bioproducts and nutrients are injected to keep the beneficial microorganisms thriving, leading to a more innovative and effective waste treatment process that surpasses the capabilities of traditional electro-mechanical systems. With biotechnology, we can achieve a more environmentally friendly solution for treating both liquid and solid waste, promoting a healthier ecosystem and a more sustainable future, these improvements are:

1- Liquefy the solid sludge, and reuse bioorganic soil amendment and plant
nutrients, no further sludge management or disposal.
2- The liquefied sludge is circulated in the treatment process to provide continuous
food to the Microorganisms (liquid biomass).
3- The Eco-Bio products and nutrients that are added to the process, inhibit the
anaerobic bacteria to stop the gas formation and bad smell. On the other hand,
aerobic bacteria are increased and activated to digest the organic substances.
4- The organic chelates, in the Eco-Bioproducts, create an Electro-Chemical
reaction movement in the influent, due to this movement, the suspended organic
chelate in the influent, chelate the copper that settles in the bottom of the
containers, forming bactericides and algaecides inhibiting the anaerobic Bacteria
and killing the fecal coliforms and algae, no chlorine or any of chlorine derivatives
are used in the Biotechnology.
5- Aims to find solutions inspired by nature, trying to move from environmental
problems to opportunities for business and innovation.
6- Blue technologies should be simple, cost-effective, and should allow recovering
viable resources in terms of energy and material.
The Poly-Bioprocess wastewater treatment is a Bioengineering Innovation, designed and
manufactured from small to large-scale wastewater treatment plants to fit the demand of
Municipalities, communities, apartments, schools, restaurants, hospitals, Industrials
Liquid waste (Dairy farms, Slaughtering, Agro-elementary wastewater)

PolyBioProcess Benefits:
Since the WWT (Waste Water Treatment) mechanism relies on Enzymes and Organic
Biologicals for water treatment and purification, the treated water can be used in different
ways to save the facility’s overall water consumption.
Treated water can benefit:

  • Irrigation
  • Plantation
  • Water reservoirs

The treated Water will be odorless, no inhibited harmful bacteria, safe to underground
reservoirs, safe for irrigation and living beings.

Design of Poly bio process Biotechnology
The plant dimension of the POLYBIOPRPCESS BIOTECHNOLOGY is directly
proportional to BOD and Hydraulic Residence Time (HRT).
The operational parameter which controls the system performance is the Solid Retention
Time (SRT) rather than the (HRT).

1- Fresh domestic sewage WW contains around 60% nitrogen in Organic form, and
40% ammonium form
2- Natural microorganisms in the WW bio decompose, hydrolysis and transform the
organic nitrogen to ammonium (NH4).
3- very little nitrogen in raw sewage in the oxide forms Based on the above basic
scientific technical specification, we design and manufacture the WWTP To
comply with the Standard ELV.
4- any change in the BOD organic load, the treatment plant size should be
proportionally changed.

How Polytech Bioprocess WWTP working steps:
The Bio-engineering design (4×1) eccentric tank, incorporate the operation in the
following phases:

  1. Bio-reaction
  2. Settling
  3. Clarifying
  4. Storing

The Wastewater to be treated (influent) (Domestic Sewage, slaughtering or mixed
industrial and Domestic) is collected in the Bioreactor, where the biological process is
taking place. The automatic injected Eco-bio nutrients, and compressed air, transform
the dissolved air to oxygen, activating the eco-enzymes and the microorganisms. The
retention time of the treatment process is related to the Wastewater content (BOD, COD,
Organic substances, Grease, Hydrocarbon detergent), the treated water overflows from
the Bioreactor to the settling, clarifier and storage tanks by gravity, the settled sludge, in
the bottom of each tank, is collected and pumped back to the Bioreactor for further
digestion and metabolization.


  1. The Eco-Bio nutrients by its electrochemical reaction, create a water movement
    in the Bioreactor tank, a tourbillon moving 8 meters per hour, this water
    movement causes aeration and oxidation.
  2. Due to this water movement, the fluctuating bacteria are transformed into
    aerobic bacteria.
  3. The settled sludge in the bottom of the tank moves to the surface of the tank
    due to the electro-chemical reaction
  4. The selected organic carrier in the eco-bio nutrients, chelate the suspended
    copper in the influent, the chelated copper inhibits the anaerobic bacteria
    activities and stops gas formation (mal odor).
  5. The continuous water movements caused by the eco-bio nutrients reduce the
    pathogens in the influent up to 98%.
  6. The Eco-bio nutrients breaks down and dissolve all the organic substances in
    wastewater, including tissue papers, detergent and other organic wastes.

The eco-bio nutrients contains eco-enzymes to digest and metabolize the organic
substances, grease, fats, hydrocarbon, solubilizing the phosphorus, converting the
ammonium to nitrate (nitrification) or the opposite (denitrification), methanization or de-ethnization, in other words, the eco-bio nutrients reduce the undesirable parameters in
the influent, keeping the desirable parameters in the effluents to be reused in irrigation,
enriching the soil with organic matter and plant nutrients, respecting the ecological
balance in nature, with no negative impacts on wild life, soil microorganisms, surface and
underground water.
The Eco bio-products and nutrients are injected in the process to regenerate the
Polyenzymes and Microorganisms to digest, metabolize and liquefy the organic
substances (Solid Sludge).


To Dissolve the sludge to the organic solution, safe to be reused or discharged respecting
the MOE Norms.

Types of poly bioprocess and Specifications:

  • Aboveground Poly bioprocess WWTP
  • Underground Poly bioprocess WWTP
  1. For a small scale we use (fiberglass – Polyethylene – Reinforced concrete)
  2. For a large-scale of 2500 inhabitants and more, we build it from (rainforest
    concrete or steel tanks)
  3. The only mechanical parts we need are (submersible pump – air blower)
  4. For pipes and fitting we use (UPVC – Polyethylene)
  5. Poly filters made from Polyethylene
  6. Eco bio-products

Small-scale WWTP Design

Small-scale WWTP Projects

Large-scale WWTP Design

Large-scale WWTP Projects

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